Andre Pagliarini

Andre Pagliarini

Assistant Professor

237D Himes Hall

Courses Taught

Colonial Latin America
Modern Latin America
Fractious Friendships: A History of U.S.-Latin American Relations


Current Research Interests

My research focuses on the politics of nationalism, development, and class in modern Latin America with a special focus on twentieth-century Brazil. I also have various projects engaging with the history of civil-military relations, U.S.-Latin American diplomatic relations, and historical memory related to the Cold War dictatorships of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile.


Ph.D., Brown University, 2018
M.A., Brown University, 2013
B.A., University of Maryland, College Park, 2012

Awards and Honors

Fulbright Global Scholar Award, 2022-23
Latin American and Caribbean Studies Dissertation Prize from the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Brown University, 2018

Articles/Book Chapters

“Believing in (Economic) Miracles in Brazil and Chile,” Radical History Review (forthcoming 2025)
“Recognition more than Friendship: The Bicentennial of U.S.- Brazil Relations, 1824-2024,” Latin American Research Review (forthcoming 2025)
“Cold Wars, Yesterday and Today: Perceptions of Brazilian Foreign Policy in Polarized Times,” in A Bicentennial Partnership: Past, Present and Future of Brazil-United States Relations (2024)
“‘Singers of the Miracle’: Musical Boosterism and the Marketing of Patriotic Authoritarianism in Dictatorial Brazil,” The Latin Americanist (2023)
“‘Real Self-Help’ and the Seeds of Neoliberalism: Foreign Aid to Brazil from Kennedy to Johnson,” The International History Review (2023)
“Tongues of Fire: Silas Malafaia and the Historical Roots of Neo-Pentecostal Power in Bolsonaro’s Brazil,” Latin American Perspectives (2023)
“A promessa ilusória de uma política externa progressista dos EUA em relação ao Brasil,” in Coleção Desafios Globais, Volume América do Norte (2021)
“Jair Bolsonaro: Beyond the Pale, Above the Fray,” in Dictators and Autocrats: How They Obtained Power and Managed Holding onto It (2021)
“‘De onde? Para onde?’: The Continuity Question and the Debate over Brazil’s ‘Civil’-Military Dictatorship.” Latin American Research Review (2017)


“What America Can Learn From an Attempted Assassination in Brazil,” Foreign Policy (2024)
“Parties and Movements: A roundtable discussion on the challenges that left-wing political formations face around the world with Andre Pagliarini, Sheri Berman, and Zachariah Mampilly,” Dissent (Winter 2024 edition)
“The American Left Realigns Its Relationship to Latin America,” Foreign Policy (2023)
“Brazil’s President Has a Choice to Make About the Amazon,” New Republic (2023)
“The Pro-Bolsonaro Riot in Brasília Was Nothing Like the January 6 Insurrection—for Better and Worse,” New Republic (2023)
“Bolsonaro Is One Step Closer to a Power Grab,” New York Times (2022)
 “Lula and the US haven’t always gotten along. It’s time for Biden to change that,” The Guardian (2022)
“Latin America’s lack of a united front on Covid has had disastrous consequences,” The Guardian (2021
Book Projects
Lula: A People’s President and the Fight for Brazil’s Future (under contract with Polity Press, forthcoming 2025)
Claiming the Nation: The Politics of Nationalism in Modern Brazil (under contract with University of California Press, forthcoming 2026)
 Popular Politics in Modern Latin America: The Struggle Goes On (under contract with Routledge as part of its “seminar studies” series, forthcoming 2027)